I’m pushing 40 and it’s only in the last few years that I have had the confidence to venture into the world of the bikini wax. Ever since he went down and came back up complaining of stubble (yes I was mortified), my inhibitions went out of the window and off I went, keen to never ever heard those words again after a session down there.
Firstly, lets get the lingo right. I had no idea what I was asking for. I just wanted a good tidy up and to eliminate the possibility that I would ever give anyone a stubble rash after oral sex again.
Full bush: this is an overgrown, jungly, dense, untended lady garden that had been allowed to roam free – around your pubic area, in the crack of your arse and the top of your legs. I don’t have a problem when my bush is full. I find it quite therapeutic to run my fingers through a handful of hair. It is however a little unsightly for the innocent passer by, especially when you’re in the spa or going for a swim. I suppose it depends how much of a fuck you give! A full bush may also be a consideration when it comes to your oral sex quota. Check whether your partner likes their teeth being pube flossed or if they mind a mouth of hair! I know men who are quite partial to an au natural pussy but some may like to see where they’re headed.
Bikini wax: If you ask for this then all the hair around your bikini line will be removed. Basically the hair that attempts to escape from the edges of your bikini or knickers. Perfect for a tidy up for your holidays or if you’re wearing swimwear. This is a fairly basic wax, only the edges will be touched.
Brazilian wax: This is my waxing of choice. This is a good tidy up at the front, a clean sweep underneath and up your bum (yes – this was a surprise to me on my first visit – you have the crack of your ass waxed!). Your therapist may ask how you want the bit at the front leaving. This is often referred to as a landing strip, a triangle etc. It’s your choice as to what shape and how much you want left on I suppose.
Hollywood wax: This is all off – everything. Bald as a coot. Smooth as a baby’s bottom.
Vajazzle: It has also been known for the particularly creative amongst us (who clearly have too much time on their hands or who have LOTS of oral sex and need to keep their partners entertained whilst they’re down there) to have shapes sculpted into their pubic hair and blingy bits added. Mine is far too wild and wiry for this to ever work but if you can – have a go!
After a good chat with my waxer (while my knees were against my chest and she was ripping hot wax off my cheeks) the Hollywood is definitely the most popular nowadays, especially with the under 30’s and Asian women. I think it’s a generational trend thing as most over 30’s tend to go for a more practical Brazilian wax. Some women tend to have a Hollywood wax for religious reasons. It’s seen to be cleaner and more hygienic although there is no proof to suggest it is. In fact, I believe if years of evolution has kept our lady garden growing then its probably meant to be there.
I won’t lie. Having hot wax spread across your delicate bits and then ripped off really hurts, I mean it’s toe curlingly fucking painful. Your skin can be tender for a few hours after aswell. I am told it gets less painful the more you have it done. A friend has had hers done regularly for over 20 years and barely feels it now. I cannot wait for that day although I’ll be almost 60 but hopefully still getting a good licking. It’s up there with a smear for pleasant experiences, however, once its done it feels lovely and will give you added confidence in the bedroom and extra swag in the swimming pool.
It will be totally smooth for a few weeks depending how fast your growth is but when it start s to grow back it does so smoothly. There’s no stubble! (hallelujah). I have had a few ingrowing hairs but who doesn’t like to sit and pull out ingrowing hairs – I see this as an added bonus
However you choose to have your front fluff groomed or not it’s a very personal choice. Once you’ve tried intimate waxing you many never go back to the unruliness of a full bush. Perhaps the fresh feeling of free lips turn you and your partner on. Or the short lived pain may put you off for life, but I think you should try at least once and I can assure you, whoever is waxing you has seen it all before. Vaginas, flaps, bum holes and pubes of every shape and size and I doubt yours will be anything new so don’t be embarrassed. Give it a go.